Trajectify Summer Reading List 2024

Trajectify Summer Reading List 2024

Here’s that world famous list that thousands have been awaiting. Some of our Trajectify coaches and clients put together recommendations for books that they've been reading. We encourage you to use some of your vacation time and your days away from the office to invest in growth through reading. Wherever your adventures take you, even if it's just in your backyard hammock), use this out-of-office time to learn, reflect, and challenge yourself.

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How Coaching Helped Me Come Out

How Coaching Helped Me Come Out

Over the past couple of months, I’ve been writing a lot about how to become a good coach to your team or for others. I’ve gotten a lot of great feedback on the effectiveness of that content. It wasn't only for marketing Trajectify that I decided to write about coaching. It was because I have benefited from so much life-altering coaching in the last two years.

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What Is Your Coaching Style: Coaching Your Team

What Is Your Coaching Style: Coaching Your Team

What coaching style do you need to use with each of your team members? Just like you probably have a coaching style you’re most comfortable with, each of them also has a style of being coached that’s most effective for them. You have to coach the people who report to you, so as a leader and a coach, you may have to get comfortable with different styles of coaching.

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Trajectify 2021 Summer Listening List

Trajectify 2021 Summer Listening List

We typically share a summer reading list, but this year we have compiled a listening list. Many people are back traveling to and from the office, jetting off for vacations, or popping on those soundproof headphones while continuing to work from home. Our coaches have put together their top suggestions for additions to your listening queue to up your game as a business leader.

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What’s the Antidote to Pandemic Fatigue? Pandemic Accountability.

What’s the Antidote to Pandemic Fatigue? Pandemic Accountability.

Here’s the truth: Our plans for 2020 got blown up. Everyone’s plans. We didn’t plan for our lives or our businesses or our cultures to get this disrupted. Back in the spring, we got scrappy. We came together. We figured out new ways to do things. Back in the spring, we thought we were trying to weather something that would be a few months long. Now, we’re tired. So, what’s the antidote?

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Tech Entrepreneurs Can't Do Everything (Lesson #7 of 8 Lessons Growing 8 Companies)

Tech Entrepreneurs Can't Do Everything (Lesson #7 of 8 Lessons Growing 8 Companies)

Being part of building a seventh company taught me many things. It taught me that tech entrepreneurs can’t do everything — more than that, I learned that honesty about how your skills and expertise line up with what you’re trying to build is much more important than a passion for what you’re selling.

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What to Look for in a Business Mentor and the Mentoring Relationship

What to Look for in a Business Mentor and the Mentoring Relationship

Mentorship is a deeper, long-term relationship between two people. Even if it doesn’t start out that way, it becomes so from time spent together and mutual care for each other.

The relationship with a mentor is a meaningful one. We reached out to our clients to get deeper insight into how having a mentor can impact people’s lives. A couple of stories stuck with us and showed the power of effective mentoring relationships.

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Trajectify Summer Reading List

Trajectify Summer Reading List

Each year, we share a summer reading list to suggest how you might use downtime to read about leadership, entrepreneurship, or personal development. Given it’s 2020, we’re going to do it differently this summer.
Read fiction. Not just any fiction. Science Fiction. Billionaires like Elon Musk and Warren Buffet, and self-help gurus like Tim Ferriss, want you to read a lot more, and don’t want you to only read how-to non-fiction books.

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Isolation Will Kill Your Business Faster than a Pandemic or an Economic Collapse

Isolation Will Kill Your Business Faster than a Pandemic or an Economic Collapse

Uncertainty is frightening to anyone. But many business owners — especially the introvert entrepreneurs out there — go deeper inside themselves during times like this. They isolate — because stepping out of their comfort zone and into this vast uncertainty threatens things many of us believe we need, including to be in control, to be safe, to be right. What if by reaching out, we expose ourselves as not knowing the answer, as being vulnerable and afraid?

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6 Questions to Ask Before You Choose a Business Coach

6 Questions to Ask Before You Choose a Business Coach

If you run a business, lead a team, or head up an organization, there’s a good chance you’ve considered hiring a coach—or at least looking to someone else for guidance. A coach is focused on unlocking your potential. They work with you to improve your performance. As with anyone that you bring into your confidence and your business, you want to make the right choice. We’ve been on both sides of the equation—as coaches and as clients.

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