How to Raise Prices Without Losing Customers 

How to Raise Prices Without Losing Customers 

If you’re in business long enough, one thing is inevitable. At some point, you’ll need to raise your prices. Business owners are often afraid of making that change, worried their customers will leave and revenues actually decline. The truth is, customers can weather difficult changes when businesses approach the issue with the customers’ needs in mind.

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Designing Competitive Compensation Packages for Today’s Talent

Designing Competitive Compensation Packages for Today’s Talent

How do you develop a system for compensation that gets you the talent you need, is relatively easy to administer, and is equitable across your organization? If I could impart two pieces of wisdom to every company with employees, they would be these: document every promise or concession you make; and assume compensation transparency.

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When Was the Last Time You Did a SWOT Analysis?

When Was the Last Time You Did a SWOT Analysis?

If you’re in business, you’ve heard of a SWOT analysis. You’ve probably done one — maybe more than one. When did you last do a SWOT analysis for your organization? Unless you’ve just been doing some strategic planning, it’s likely been awhile. We see businesses wait too long between SWOT analysis sessions. They trudge along under old conceptions of their strengths or weaknesses and fail to effectively respond to the changes around them.

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What Percentage of Profits Should You Reinvest In Your Business?

What Percentage of Profits Should You Reinvest In Your Business?

Managing your business’s finances might not feel intuitive. Many of us begin our entrepreneurial careers with a great idea. We spend the rest of that career trying to understand all the moving pieces that will make it profitable. There are people that will give you numbers. The truth is that there’s no clear rulebook. These profit and investment calculations are individual to each business.

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How to Build an Effective Leadership Team

How to Build an Effective Leadership Team

Poor leadership costs companies revenue, time, staff, and customers. And the leaders at the very top aren’t the only ones that have an impact. Every supervisory role has the capacity to exceed goals and inspire stellar performances or to miss the mark and impede productivity. Building a leadership team that can help you achieve your goals requires careful and purposeful planning. I’ve had the opportunity to learn from my own successes and failures as a CEO as well as from my clients’ experiences.

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Leading a Remote Company

Leading a Remote Company

How have the companies that have always operated completely remote done it? If they can do it every day, why can’t the rest of us? What kind of lessons could they teach us? I reached out to the leaders of two Trajectify clients who founded and run completely remote companies: Max Rice - CEO and Founder of Skyverge & Caleb Frankel - CEO and Founder of Instinct Science

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Does Your Organization Have a Warning System in Place?

Does Your Organization Have a Warning System in Place?

Over a family dinner recently, my brother-in-law explained that my mother-in-law’s car has some high-tech alerts on it. I asked my mother-in-law if it had a collision avoidance system, and she responded, “All I know is that if I hear three beeps I need to stop so I don’t bang up the car.”

What if we had a similar alert system for leaders of businesses – when something goes wrong, you hear three beeps and you know you need to stop so you don’t damage your business?

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Building a Business With Partners: The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly

Building a Business With Partners: The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly

We recently facilitated a panel of four pairs of co-founders/partners. They shared their experiences in building a business together - exploring benefits and challenges, offering advice and personal perspectives. Putting business partners on stage - including friends, siblings, and spouses - also made for great entertainment (watch the video). If you’re going to make partnership successful, have a good sense of humor :-) Here are some of the lessons learned and insights:

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3 Strategies You Should Adopt in Your 2020 Planning

3 Strategies You Should Adopt in Your 2020 Planning

We don't want to have to be in a position to make passionate decisions, especially in business. Good planning means accounting for all outcomes while we are in our natural state, operating in Quadrant II (one of Strategy), not Quadrant I (Crisis). Here are some strategies to follow to help you do just that.

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